Myeena leshes khopa lemel - Sitkum Lakkit

Nadja Adolf nadja at NODE.COM
Fri Aug 30 07:57:13 UTC 2002

(Musical chairs with mules - Part 4)

Lemel yaka kowkwutl yoots khopa leshes, delate elip hiyu lemel yaka kilipai
leshes. Kunsih kilipai leshes, klonas lemel yaka chako kokshut, pi yaka
klatawa man yaka chako kokshut, pi leshes yaka chako kokshut, pi klonas
konaway klone chako kokshut. Wake kloshe mamook kunsih kunamokst lemel pi

The mule can't sit on a chair, he's a lot more likely to knock the chair
over. When the chair is knocked over, maybe the mule gets hurt, or his
rider gets hurt, or the chair gets broken, or maybe all three get trashed.
Mixing mules and chairs is a bad thing to do.

Lemel tilikum, klaska hyas tikegh huloima iktas khopa leshes. Kiutan
tilikum, klaska mitlite cultus oayhut chikchik lepee khopa leshes.  Lemel
tilikum, klaska huloima-huloima, wake klaska iskum cultus lepee.

The mules folks need something different instead of chairs. Horse folks have
wornout car tires instead of chairs. Mule people are very strange, they
don't get old tires.

Lemel tilikum, klaska mitlite kweokweo khopa saghalie leshes khopa mahsh
humm - halo kahkwa kwanesum kweokweo pi kweokweo klaska cultus halo pahtl wind
khopa wake wind. Okoke kweokweo klaska chym-chym: spooh pil, spooh, spooh
peschugh, pi kawkawak, pi huloima.

The mule folks use toilet seats - not your usual toilet seat, but deflated
inflatable toilet seats. These toilet seats are very colorful: pink, light
blue, light green, yellow and others.

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