computer font question

George Lang george.lang at UALBERTA.CA
Tue Feb 5 04:30:46 UTC 2002

I have recently moved from the PC environment to Mac (OS X) -- let's
not go where I would explain why.

I had a vaguely functional PC system for writing Chinook Jargon and
Chinook itself to screen and print, twisting the IPA I got from SIL.  They
have an 1993 IPA  version I've been able to download but it is missing
some of the elements (like the barred lambda) which are despite
what the IPA people say is necessary for NW languages.

Anyone out there using OS X who has found an easy way to write the
characters we need both to printer and to screen without some
complicated coding system (though I'd settle for complicated coding
system if that is what is necessary).

Maybe this is obvious to some, but I can't get any useful advice from
the sources I have, and there surely has to be someone out there who
has resolved this problem for OS X.

Merci d'avance,

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