Pattern of loans in Lushootseed? [fwd from D. Hymes]

Dave Robertson tuktiwawa at NETSCAPE.NET
Tue Mar 5 00:17:48 UTC 2002

I checked the introduction to LUSHOOTSEED TEXTS, edited by Crisca Bierwert.
Lincoln: U of Nebraska press, 1996. p. 42.  No sign of ll.  Only l followed
by glottalized l, voiceless l, tl affricate.  The same order of sounds as
So doubling of the l apparently must indicate either a prolonged l sound or
a reiteration of l.   There are some initial sequences of l-schwa-l.  But
none of ll-.
Best guess is syllable final l followed by syllable initial l????
If Jay Miller is on this list, he would know.

"Asking a linguist how many languages she knows is like asking a doctor how many diseases he has!" -- anonymous

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