tyee / tia

Tony Johnson Tony.Johnson at GRANDRONDE.ORG
Fri Apr 18 23:58:57 UTC 2003

Another note-- It seems unlikely that "tia" or "tay7i"  would ever be confused with Chinookan -ka'naX "chief."


>>> "Alan H. Hartley" <ahartley at D.UMN.EDU> 04/18/03 10:33AM >>>

> If we assume that "tia" was an attempt to spell a word pronounced
> something like [taye:], then this probably was a Chinookan pronunciation
> of tayi.  In Lower Chinook (and also in other varieties of Chinookan? I
> forget) the phoneme /i/ often tended to get lowered and lengthened to
> [e:] when it was stressed. The accute accent over the a in tia makes
> this seem even more likely.

Thanks! That seems a very plausible explanation. I think your assumption
of [taye:] is correct: Lewis spells the word as "tia" consistently (at
least 3 times.)


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