Conflating "Chinook Jargon" and "shorthand"

Liland Brajant ROS’ lilandr at YAHOO.COM
Tue Aug 26 00:12:08 UTC 2003

--- "David D. Robertson" <ddr11 at COLUMBIA.EDU> wrote:
> A website probably for or by very young people.
> Possibly they're
> confusing "Chinook" and "Chinook Jargon" as well.

Indeed; the site's index page states: "The stories on
these pages were written and the website was designed
by four fourth grade students from John Jacob Astor
Elementary in Astoria, Oregon."

It might be worth making an effort to contact the
authors and inform them that although Chinook Jargon
is often referred to as a dead language, it is
actually alive both on the Internet and in Oregon.
They are obviously interested in the subject, and
still young enough very likely to remain open to new


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