CJ words in Alaskan Haida: From what source?

David D. Robertson ddr11 at COLUMBIA.EDU
Thu Mar 27 02:02:55 UTC 2003

Below I quote from Jordan Lachler's message on the Haida language list a
couple days back.  When you visit the "sounds of Haida" page, notice the
word for "fence" (it comes from Chinook Jargon), and tell me your opinion:
Did the Alaskan Haidas get this loan word by speaking CJ with Whites?  Or
did they pick it up from the CJ spoken by Natives?  --  Dave

[Jordan Lachler wrote on the Haida language list:]

This is just to let you know we have two new pages up on the Haida website -
- with audio now!  Check them out:




There's much more to come as I go through the recordings from my trip.  I
hope y'all find this helpful.  Let me know if you have any suggestions for
improvements we could make.


<> Jordan Lachler
<> Sociolinguist/Language Projects Manager

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