I. Hancock re "Saibashi" in Canadian Japanese

janilta janilta at J.EMAIL.NE.JP
Tue May 13 01:55:31 UTC 2003


I am afraid I cannot tell much about 'saibashi'. I guess we need a
Canadian-Japanese on the list to have precisions about the exact meaning
and usage of this very word.
In Japanese, 'saibashi' is a common word (yasai no sai+o-hashi) for long
chopsticks, but nobody I know here has ever heard the completely
unrelated word 'saibashiru' (tensai no sai+hashiru), which is mentioned
in the dictionaries though. Difficult for me to believe any Japanese
immigrant to Canada ever used/knew this 'saibashiru' word.
Dave is right also I think : the 'saiwash' pronunciation should have
logically lead to 'saiwashi' and not 'saibashi' (closer to eg a
'saivash' pronunciation).
Not much you see. Pardon !

Cheers from Tokyo, Yann

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