"Saibashi" in Canadian Japanese

janilta janilta at J.EMAIL.NE.JP
Thu May 15 00:43:03 UTC 2003


So you did actually hear Mrs Tsunota use the word 'saibashi' for
Amerindians ? This is interesting.
I think there is not much that can be learned through writing as this
word is by no means standard Japanese. Ro-maji (no 'n') and katakana
(basically foreign words but not only) being the only possible options.
There cannot be logical kanji or kanji-hiragana compositions for a word
born and used in Canada.
The pun reference to 'saibashi' (long chopsticks) might not be for
humour but for phonological resemblance. Just a guess.

Regards from rainy Tokyo, Yann

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