Lushootseed Changer Babel-type Myth

Liland Brajant ROS� lilandr at YAHOO.COM
Tue Sep 23 01:35:53 UTC 2003

Since I gather the Salishan mailing list is no more,
and also because there is a CJ tie-in, I turn to this
list to ask if anyone can help me locate the
Lushootseed original of the story (entitled "The
Changer" in English) in which the Changer creates the
linguistic diversity of the Northwest Coast. An
English version, translated I believe by taqwSEblu (Vi
Hilbert) is in her 1996 "Haboo", p. 75, where it is
stated that it was told in 1923 by Chief William
Shelton at Tulalip. I asked taqwSEblu a few years ago
if she could find me the Lushootseed text, but she
wasn't able to locate it.

I have the English version on my website at .

CJ tie-ins: I am interested in translating this story
into Chinuk Wawa, and would like to know how the
mythic character "The Changer"'s name is best rendered
in CJ.

Also, I have link at the story to Zeke Zahir's
Lushootseed/Whulshootseed-oriented font "Fontootseed"
(fontoots.ttf) and am interested in knowing if this is
an adequate font for CJ using the Grand Ronde
orthography, or if one needs capital letters. If
capitals are needed, does someone have link to a
usable TrueType font for CJ?


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