TALN2000 taln2000 at
Wed Apr 19 16:12:38 UTC 2000

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*                            TALN 2000                               *
*             Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel              *
*                                                                    *
*              École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne              *
*                    du 16 au 18 octobre 2000                        *
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                          LAST CALL FOR PAPERS

                               TALN 2000
                 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
                         Lausanne, Switzerland
			   16-18 October 2000

submission deadline :                 May    5th, 2000
notification to authors :             June  23th, 2000
final version due (camera-ready):     August 4th, 2000
conference:                        16-18 October, 2000

     Jointly organised by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(Lausanne) and the University of Geneva the Seventh Conference on
Natural Language Processing (TALN 2000) will be held at the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology, (Lausanne, Switzerland), on October
16-18, 2000.
     The conference includes paper presentations, invited speakers,
tutorials and software demonstrations.
     The official conference languages are French and English.

     TALN 2000 is organised in collaboration with ATALA (Association
pour le Traitement Automatique des LAngues) and will be held jointly
with the young researcher conference RECITAL 2000 (a separate call for
papers will follow).


     Papers are invited for 30-minutes talks (including questions) in
all areas of NLP, including (but not limited to):

   lexicon	morphology	syntax		semantics
   pragmatics	discourse	parsing		generation
   abstraction/summarisation	dialogue	translation
   logical,symbolical and statistical approaches
   mathematical linguistics

     TALN 2000 also welcomes contributions in fields for which NLP
plays an important role, as long as these contributions emphasise
their NLP dimension :

	speech processing
	text processing
	terminology, knowledge acquisition
	information retrieval
	documentary research
	corpus-based linguistics
        mathematical linguistics
	management and acquisition of linguistic resources
	computer assisted learning
	NLP tools for linguistic modelization

     TALN 2000, also welcomes submissions focusing on NLP applications
that have been implemented, tested and evaluated and emphasising the
scientific aspects and conclusions drawn.

     Software demonstrations can be proposed, either independently or
in connection with a paper proposal. Specific sessions for the demos
will be scheduled in the program of the conference.

     The program committee will select 2 papers among the accepted
papers for publication (in an extended version) in the journal
"Traitement Automatique des Langues" (t.a.l.). For the journal, these
papers will have the status "accepted, subject to modifications", the
modifications being the formatting according to the style of the


     Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished
work.  Submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 specialists of the
domain. Decisions will be based on the following criteria :

   -  importance and originality of the paper
   -  soundness of the scientific and technical content
   -  comparison of the results obtained with other relevant work
   -  clarity
   -  relevance to the topics of the conference	

     Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the


     The maximum length for papers is 10 pages, in Times 12
(approx. 3000 words), single spaced, including figures, examples and
references. The maximum length for demo proposals is 3 pages.

     A LaTeX style file and a Word template will be available on the
web site of the conference (

     Electronic submissions must reach the organising committee before
May 5th, 2000 to the latest, at the following address:

   taln2000 at

     If electronic submission is not possible, 3 hard-copies of the
paper must reach the organising committee before April 21st 2000, at
the following address:

    Eric Wehrli -  TALN 2000
    Dépt. de linguistique - LATL
    Université de Genève
    2, rue de Candolle
    CH-1211 Genève 4

File format for electronic submissions:

     Authors should send their submission as a file attached to an
e-mail, with the subject field "TALN submission" and containing the
following information: submission title, first author's name,
affiliation, postal address, e-mail address, phone and fax number.

     The submissions are ANONYMOUS, and should therefore not include
the author's name, or any self-reference.

One of the following formats MUST be used:

  - self-contained  LaTeX source (including non standard styles)
      AND PostScript version.
  - RTF (Word) document AND PostScript or PDF version.

All the PostScript versions must be for A4 paper and not US letter.


Practical information will be detailed shortly on the conference WEB
page site (


Eric Wehrli (Président/President)
Martin Rajman
Cristian Ciressan
Jean-Cédric Chappelier
Marie Decrauzat
Paola Merlo
Christopher Laenzlinger


Pascal Amsili, TALaNa (Paris)
Susan Armstrong, ISSCO (Genève)
Nicholas Asher, University of Texas (Austin)
Afzal Ballim, EPFL (Lausanne)
Philippe Blache, LPL (Aix-en-Provence)
Christian Boitet, CLIPS-GETA (Grenoble)
Pierrette Bouillon, ISSCO (Genève)
Didier Bourigault (CNRS, Paris)
Jean-Pierre Chanod, XEROX Research Center (Grenoble)
Cédric Chappelier, EPFL (Lausanne)
Béatrice Daille, IRIN (Nantes)
Dominique Estival, University of Melbourne
Claire Gardent, Universität des Saarlandes (Sarrbrücken)
Damien Genthial, CLIPS-IMAG (Grenoble)
Gregory Grefenstette (XEROX)
Michael Hess, Uni Zurich
Pierre Isabelle, XEROX Research Center (Meylan)
Daniel Kayser, LIPN (Paris)
Geert-Jan Kruijff, Univerzita Karlova (Praha)
Eric Laporte, CERIL, Université de Marne la Vallée
Paola Merlo, LATL (Genève)
Piet Mertens, CCL K.U. Leuven
Jacques Moeschler, LATL (Genève)
Cécile Paris, CSIRO (Sidney)
Jean-Marie Pierrel, LORIA (Nancy)
Alain Polguère, Université de Montréal
Martin Rajman, EPFL (Lausanne)
Owen Rambow, ATT Labs-Research
Gérard Sabah, LIMSI (Paris)
Jacques Savoy, Uni Neuchatel
Jacques Vergne, GREYC (Caen)
Jean Véronis, LPL (Aix-en-Provence)
Eric Wehrli, LATL (Genève)
Francois Yvon, ENST (Paris)
Brigitte Zellner Keller (UNIL, Lausanne)
Pierre Zweigenbaum, DIAM (Paris)

* Contact:                                                           *
*                                                                    *
* Eric Wehrli -  TALN 2000                                           *
* Dépt. de linguistique - LATL                                       *
* Université de Genève                                               *
* 2, rue de Candolle                                                 *
* CH-1211 Genève 4                                                   *
* Switzerland                                                        *
*                                                                    *
* Tel: +41-22-705.73.63                                              *
* Fax: +41-22-705.79.31                                              *
* email: taln2000 at                                      *
*                                                                    *
*                                    *
For the organising committee of TALN 2000,
J.-C. Chappelier

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