Corpora: Automaton Theory Event

Helmut Jurgensen helmut at
Sun Feb 6 22:06:29 UTC 2000

Please excuse us if you get this more than once. We are still working
on cleaning up our mailing lists.

                        Tri-Conference Event

 --- Half Century of Automata Theory
 --- DCAGRS 2000 -- Descriptional Complexity of Automata, Grammars and
     Related Structures
 --- CIAA 2000 -- Conference on the Implementation and Application of
     Automata (succesor to WIA)

Held in London, Ontario, Canada on 24--29 July, 2000

For details on all three events visit

You will find general information there, links to the individual events
and links to touristic and travel information.

We expect to organize a small informal workshop on codes on 31 July
to 1 August. If you are interested please let us know by email to
helmut at --- if at all possible by 1 March.

We are also considering to organize an excursion to the Stratford Festival
on 30 July. If you are interested, we'd need to know by the end of March
to reserve tickets. You can find information by following the link to
London and Southwestern Ontario on the web pages mentioned above.

Organizing Committee:
John Hart, Helmut Jurgensen (co-chair), Lila Kari,
Kai Salomaa, Stephen Watt, Shen Yu (co-chair)

         Background regarding the tri-conference week:

  In 1965 a conference on "Systems and Computer Science" was held
at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. The list
of participants included Hartmanis, Brzozowski, McNaughton,
Arbib, Elgot, Gorn, Robinson, Amarel, Mesarovic, Windeknecht.
The conference was chaired by John Hart, the first chairman of the
new Department of Computer Science at The University of Western
Ontario -- John Hart has agreed to be one of the tri-event organizers.

  At WIA98 in Rouen, the predecessor of CIAA, it was suggested to
hold a conference on reminiscences and visions of people working
in automaton theory. This idea was further discussed and then agreed
upon at WIA99 in Potsdam and at DCAGRS99 in Magdeburg.

  The following scientists will speak at the Half-Century conference:
   -- J. A. Brzozowski
   -- S. Greibach
   -- M. Harrison
   -- J. Hartmanis
   -- J. Hopcroft
   -- W. Kuich
   -- R. McNaughton
   -- M. Nivat
   -- M. Rabin
   -- G. Rosenberg
   -- A. Salomaa
Registration for CIAA 2000 or DCAGRS 2000 will include registration for the
"Half Century of Automata Theory".

As a temporary contact address regarding the WHOLE EVENT or
the HALF-CENTURY EVENT please use: victoria at

For paper submission information to CIAA 2000 and DCAGRS 2000
use the contact information provided by the separate events.

Looking forward to seeing you in London.

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