Corpora: web-search

Janne Bondi Johannessen j.m.b.johannessen at
Tue May 2 17:35:09 UTC 2000

The web-search option presented at is
indeed useful. I tried a search for "subletted", and got 31 hits (with the
AltaVista search option), nicely presented in a concordance. But I wonder
why it didn't give 91 hits, which is the number AltaVista found for me when
I used their search engine directly. I also tried the Metacrawler, which,
surprisingly, gave only 26 hits.

Since this is only a prototype, I would like to suggest two improvements:
1. Include as an option the search engine FAST,, which gave 111 hits (20 more than Alta
2. Display the web-address-source for each hit.

Janne Bondi Johannessen.

Professor Janne Bondi Johannessen     Tlf: + 47-22 85 68 14
Tekstlaboratoriet                     E-post: jannebj at
Institutt for lingvistiske fag        Faks: +47-22 85 69 19
Universitetet i Oslo                  Internett:
P.b 1102 Blindern
0317 Oslo, Norway

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