Corpora: Welsh Corpus - DTD?

Peter Littlechild peter.littlechild at
Wed Sep 6 13:20:10 UTC 2000

As part of an initiative to create a corpus of written Welsh
I'm investigating means to create a machine-processable form
of the Welsh Bible. This text is heavily enriched with
cross-references, markers indicating dubious etymologies,
missing words, and other things I haven't fathomed yet. It's
the perfect justification for using SGML/XML.

Does anyone know of previous work on marked-up versions of
bibles? Are there special DTDs or some appropriate subset of
the TEI DTD, for example?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Peter Littlechild

<name>peter littlechild</name>
<section>publishing tools and technology</section>
<dept>user documentation</dept>
<firm>s.w.i.f.t. sc</firm>

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