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Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
ivana at
Thu Feb 1 11:40:20 UTC 2001
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(deadline for submission: March 30, 2001)
ESSLLI Workshop on
Information Stucture, Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics
August 20-24, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
The workshop is endorsed by
This workshop aims to provide a forum for recent research on interactions
between information structure (as a component of sentence-level semantics),
discourse structure and discourse-level semantics.
Both Information Structure (IS) and Discourse Structure (DS) are construed
broadly here:
-- IS, as comprising structural and semantic properties of utterances
relating to the discourse status of their content, the actual and attributed
attentional states of the discourse participants, and the participants'
prior and changing attitudes.
-- DS, as covering all aspects of the internal organizational structure of a
discourse, an essential aspect being the use of explicit and implicit
devices signifying links between clause and sentences.
Understanding IS in light of DS and vice versa is not only justified on
theoreticalgrounds: Experience with applications such as translating
telephony and interactive query-answering makes it clear that a theory
relating IS and DS is essential for accurate Natural Language Processing.
The workshop aims to attract researchers in computational and theoretical
linguistics and logic who are investigating IS-sensitive discourse
processing and to facilitate contact, exchange of ideas and cooperation
between them. We hope that the participants will transcend the difficulties
caused by proliferating terminologies, and concentrate instead on
investigating the interactions between IS and DS, with the goal of
understanding how sentence-level semantic devices that make up IS
symbiotically serve the needs of discourse cohesion and coherence. We seek
contributions advancing beyond descriptive frameworks towards an explanatory
account of how IS and DS, in whatever framework, interact to refer to and
update a dynamically evolving representation of discourse context. The
submitted papers will be refereed by the PC.
See for more details.
Full papers addressing the above issues are solicited, not exceeding 5000
words including references. Each paper must contain a 5-10 lines abstract. A
postscript or pdf version of the paper should be submitted (zipped) by
e-mail to
ivana at
by the submission deadline given below. In an accompanying email message,
please provide the following information:
Paper title: Contact author: Email(s): 5-10 lines abstract:
We strongly encourage the use of LaTeX. The workshop proceedings will be
prepared using
LaTeX and authors will be required to provide the final versions of their
papers in
March 30 Submission deadline
April 30 Notifications of acceptance/rejection to authors
May 20 Final version of papers in LaTeX for the proceedings due
August 20-24 Workshop dates
Note that all workshop participants must register as particpants of ESSLLI.
The early registration fees apply to authors of accepted papers.
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova (organizer, co-chair)
Mark Steedman (organizer, co-chair)
John Bateman
Daniel Buering
Elisabet Engdahl
Bart Geurts
David Traum
Maria Vilkuna
Bonnie Webber
We are looking forward to your submissions :-)
ing. Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova, Dr.
Center for Computational Linguistics ICCS, Division of Informatics
Charles University University of Edinburgh
Malostranske nam. 25. 2 Buccleuch Place
118 35 Praha 1 Edinburgh, EH8 9NW
Czech Republic Scotland
tel. 00420 - 2 - 2191 4288 tel. +44-(0)-131-6504412
fax. 00420 - 2 - 2191 4309 fax. +44-(0)-131-6506626
korbay at ivana at
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