Corpora: Medical consultation data

James L. Fidelholtz jfidel at
Tue Mar 27 20:31:28 UTC 2001

	You might try sending this inquiry to the LANGUSE list (check
out the LINGUISTLIST website for their address).  In addition, there was
a book called _The natural history of the interview_
(approximately) from the 50s, written by a group including Norman
McQuown, I think George Trager, Albert Schefflin, and various
others; also a book from 1977 by William Labov and D. Fanshell, called
_Therapeutic discourse: psychotherapy as conversation_
(NY: Academic Press.  Both of these contain some transcripts, and indeed
are about the analysis of those transcripts.  Another book by Elliot G. 
Mishler. 1984, _The discourse of medicine: dialectics of medical
interviews_, also treats some transcripts.
	I hope some of this is useful for you, and also check out
the bibliographies in these books.  You will probably at least need to
refer to these books as early examples of medical transcript analysis.

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Mark Holst wrote:

>Dear corpora list,
>I teach English to Japanese medical students at the University of
>Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan, and I am currently researching conversation
>patterns in Japanese and English Dr-Patient consultations. I am now
>in the process of collecting my own Japanese language data, and I am
>trying to track down English language data that is already publicly
>I wonder if you might know of any corpora that include transcriptions
>of Dr-patient consultations in (spoken) English, that I could use in
>my research. If you do, I would be very grateful if you could pass
>them on. I have already been in touch with  the British National
>Corpus, whose corpus contains some Dr-PatientέconsultationsΕAbut I
>have been unable to track down any other sources so far.
>Thank you for your time in reading this query. I hope to hear from you soon.
>Mark Holst
>Language Center, Otaru University of Commerce
>Tel/Fax: +81 134 27 5443

James L. Fidelholtz			e-mail: jfidel at
Posgrado en Ciencias del Lenguaje	tel.: +(52-2)229-5500 x5705
Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades	fax: +(01-2) 229-5681
Benemιrita Universidad Autσnoma de Puebla, MΙXICO

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