[Corpora-List] Semantic Distances Revisited - levin

Christopher Brewster C.Brewster at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Mon Dec 2 11:52:44 UTC 2002

My understanding of Levin is that she shows that semantically related verbs
show the same syntactic behaviour but NOT that verbs with the same syntactic
behaviour are necessarily semanticly related: "the syntactic behaviour of a
verb [is] to be predicted from its meaning (Levin 1993).

There is a significant difference. The so called 'distributional hypothesis"
(which some writer attribute to Zelig Harris 'Distributional Structure'
1985) has never to my knowledge been show to hold.

Christopher Brewster

Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
Tel: +44(0)114-22.21967  Fax: +44 (0)114-22.21810
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Sheffield   S1 4DP   UNITED KINGDOM
Web: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~kiffer/

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