[Corpora-List] CFP: EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages
Tomaz Erjavec
Tomaz.Erjavec at ijs.si
Thu Nov 7 13:39:41 UTC 2002
[Apologies to those of you who receive this more than once]
Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages
A workshop to be held at EACL-03
the 11th Conference of the European Chapter
of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Budapest, 13 April 2003
The problems of morphological analysis of Slavic languages in natural
language processing are more often that not approached independently
for different languages in spite of their structural similarities.
Different approaches to modelling morphological structure, to lexical
and corpus annotation and to processing of morphological information
have been developed, and some of them for more than one language. Yet
annotation schemes, morphological analysers, part-of-speech taggers or
language resources that encompass all - or even a larger number - of
the Slavic languages are rare. At the same time, a systematic review
of existing approaches to morphological processing of Slavic languages
and their relations does not yet exist.
The topic of the workshop is the morphological computational analysis
and annotation of Slavic languages, encountered on both the inflective
and the derivational levels. The workshop will try to reveal lexical
structures necessary for morphological analysis and will discuss
standardisation efforts in the field that can, for instance, enable
transfer of applied methods from one language to the other or inform
the annotation of morphological information in corpora. Other areas of
interest are the connection of morphological analysis for Slavic
languages to word-level syntactic tagging, collocation and term
extraction, integration into semantic networks, and the transfer of
morphological information between aligned corpora.
Submissions are invited on all aspects of morphological processing
applicable to Slavic languages, including, but not limited to:
* multilingual annotation schemes and lexical databases
* word and sentence level tagged corpora (treebanks)
* morphology in semantic annotation
* term variability
* resources and methods for machine learning
* knowledge transfer between related languages
* methods for annotation and disambiguation
* derivational analysis of unknown words
* compound analysis
* recognition of composite tenses
* constraints on agreement
Tomaz Erjavec, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
Dusko Vitas, University of Belgrade
Frantisek Cermak, Charles University, Czech Republic
Greville G. Corbett, University of Surrey, UK
Tomaz Erjavec, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Roger Evans, University of Brighton, UK
Karel Pala, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Vladimir Petkevic, Charles University, Czech Republic
Vladimir Plungian, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Max Silberstein, Universite de Franche-Comte, France
Kiril Simov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Marko Tadic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Dusko Vitas, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Papers describing work in all areas of morphological processing of
Slavic languages, in particular related to the workshop topics above,
should be submitted electronically. Papers should be 4-8 pages long in
PDF format following the guidelines at the EACL site
Send your submission to Tomaz Erjavec (tomaz.erjavec at ijs.si).
Paper submissions: 7 January 2003
Notification of acceptance: 28 January 2003
Camera-ready copies due: 13 February 2003
Registration deadline: as ACL
Workshop dates: 13 April 2003
The registration fees include attendance of the workshop and a copy of
workshop proceedings. Follow the registration instructions at the EACL
site (http://www.conferences.hu/EACL03) and indicate that you would
like to attend the workshop.
Tomaž Erjavec | Dept. of Intelligent Systems E-8
email: tomaz.erjavec at ijs.si | Jozef Stefan Institute
www: http://nl.ijs.si/et/ | Jamova 39, SI-1000, Ljubljana
fax: (+386 1) 4251 038 | Slovenia
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