[Corpora-List] studies of the language of discussion groups

Gregor Erbach gor at acm.org
Sat Oct 19 11:18:41 UTC 2002

Quoting Przemyslaw Kaszubski <przemka at amu.edu.pl>:

> I'm asking this on behalf of a student: does anyone have any pointers to
> empirical studies of discussion group etc. language from a sociological
> perspective? Her topic is to demonstrate that such groups may be regarded
> as language communities. Apart from Crystal's Language and the Internet
> she has almost no sources.

A good source is the Journal of Computer Mediated Communication:

Another source is the Electronic Journal of communication:

The Berkeley Social Technologies group has performed research
on Usenet groups:

The following papers may be of interest:

> Apologies if you think this question is irrelevant to your interests.

Not at all; Usenet news are a rather interesting corpus
for studying all sorts of linguistic phenomena.



Dr. Gregor Erbach                  http://purl.org/net/gregor/
Saarland University                http://www.uni-sb.de/
Computational Linguistics Dept.    http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/
Project COLLATE                    http://collate.dfki.de/
Tel. +49 (681) 302-5354            mailto:gor at acm.org

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