[Corpora-List] Lexical data bases

Jose Maria Gomez Hidalgo jmgomez at dinar.esi.uem.es
Thu Oct 24 08:18:26 UTC 2002

I would like to thank all that provided me with information about current 
lexical databases, in particular Gemma Boleda, Mahtab Nikkhou, Rob Freeman, 
Ken Litkowski and Paul Heacock.

In summary, these links and contact addresses were proposed:

MikroKosmos [ONTOLOGY] by the CRL of New Mexico (Sergei Nirenburg):

ELDA's on-line catalogue:

An automatically generated lists of approximate synonyms by Rob Freeman 
(available also for German, Danish):

MRDs (Oxford and Macquarie of Australia), available for academic or 
commercial research; Oxford also has quite a lot of other dictionaries 
(e.g., bilingual) available as well - Contact Ken Litkowski

Cambridge University Press sells its lexical databases to researchers 
(academic and commercial) - Contact Paul Heacock
Try thedictionaries online at

Other lexical databases that I have found wandering through the Web:
TID for French
OntoLex for text retrieval
SHOE for web site description
Balkanet - the wordnet for Balkan languages
Aquilex (of course)
and many more...

But the concept of LDB is not clear itself (including MRDs with semantic 
information, lexicalized ontologies, general purpose and domain dependent 
ontologies, etc). I will post a new question about this topic.



Jose Maria Gomez Hidalgo
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Universidad Europea de Madrid
28670 - Villaviciosa de Odon - MADRID
(+34) 912115670
jmgomez at dinar.esi.uem.es

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