[Corpora-List] 19th century electronic corpora

Holger Saurenbach holgersaurenbach at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 17 14:07:14 UTC 2002

Dear linguists,

for the historical part of my planned dissertation I'm
working with the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts.
However, I'd also need a corpus that spans the period
from 1700 to the present. I know that there are
some historical corpora that would meet my needs (such
as the ARCHER or the CONCE corpora), but I have no
idea how to obtain copies of these electronic corpora
on CD Rom. The ICAME homepage only offers its
own CD-ROM, which I already have.  I hope you can help

Thank you very much,
Holger Saurenbach, University of Regensburg (Germany)

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