[Corpora-List] Re: ScanMail Message: To Recipient virus found or matched file blocki ng setting.

Milena Vegnaduzzo milenave at yahoo.it
Sun Sep 8 13:13:36 UTC 2002

Ultimamente ricevo continuamente email dal server
unitn.it con avvertimenti di virus e attachment vari.
Avevo lasciato il mio indirizzo di posta
all'organizzazione della summer school ESSLLI 2002.
Vi pregherei di togliere il mio email dal vostro
database o risolvere il vostro problema.

 --- System Attendant <BLISS-SA at ict.usc.edu> ha
scritto: > ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has taken
action on
> the message, please
> refer to the contents of this message for further
> details.
> Sender = rtucker at ARCHES.UGA.EDU
> Recipient(s) = context-2003 at boogie.cs.unitn.it;
> Subject = A very  powful tool
> Scanning Time = 09/06/2002 14:01:42
> Engine/Pattern = 6.150-1001/341
> Action on message:
> The attachment Fwv.bat contained WORM_KLEZ.H virus.
> ScanMail has taken the
> Deleted action.
> Warning to recipient. ScanMail has detected a virus.

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