[Corpora-List] Re: distribution of types of lexical collocations

Wed Dec 8 23:16:22 UTC 2004

Philippa Maurer-Stroh escribió:

> I am doing research on adjective-noun collocations and I wonder if there are
> any reliable corpus data and numbers as to the distribution of this type of
> (English and/or German) collocations in contrast to (noun-noun /)
> adjective-adverb / verb-adverb / noun-verb collocations.

Hi, Philippa,

Well, I don't know of any studies offhand, but there are plenty of corpora
around which are tagged for POS (BNC, some versions of the Brown corpus,
etc.) and lots of software for corpus searching and management, so doing
your own search for each of the collocations (especially if you ignore
whether they are really parts of the same constituent or not, which I
wouldn't think would affect your comparison much) and then comparing the
results should be pretty easy.

Sorry not to be more specific, but someone more immersed in such types of
searches is sure to tell you about their favorite corpus &/or software.
Good luck.  Hope this is some help.


James L. Fidelholtz
Posgrado en Ciencias del Lenguaje
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla     MÉXICO

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