[Corpora-List] corpus of student translations - looking for references

Andrei Popescu-Belis andrei.popescu-belis at issco.unige.ch
Wed Dec 8 13:04:55 UTC 2004

Spela Vintar wrote:
> Dear Corpora Members,
> We have started with a group of students to compile a corpus of student 
> translations, planned as a parallel corpus of original texts and several 
>  student translations, marked by their teachers.
> Has anyone been involved in a similar project? Any advice concerning the 
> annotation scheme and corpus encoding, as well as the overall 
> methodology, would be greatly appreciated.


We developed a small pilot corpus (EN->FR and FR->EN) at the School of 
Translation of the University of Geneva, which is briefly described in:

Popescu-Belis A., King M. & Benantar H. (2002) - Towards a Corpus of 
Corrected Human Translations. In: Handbook of the LREC 2002 Workshop 
"Machine Translation Evaluation: Human Evaluators Meet Automated 
Metrics", Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, p.17-21.
(the link is to the entire workbook of the workshop)

The paper gives preliminary guidelines for the annotation of student 
translation mistakes (based on teacher's annotations on the paper 
version), and suggests some uses for such a corpus. Part of the data has 
already been used in an exercise that compared human and automated 
evaluation metrics. The exercise was organized at an LREC 2002 workshop, 
and is summarized in :

Popescu-Belis A. (2003) - An experiment in comparative evaluation: 
humans vs. computers. In: Proc. of Machine Translation Summit IX, New 
Orleans, LA, USA, p.307-314.

You could also look at the eCoLoRe and Mellanges European projects and 
try to find out whether they have more precise guidelines for making a 
student translation corpus, which is one of their objectives:

Best regards,
Andrei Popescu-Belis
ISSCO/TIM/ETI, Université de Gene`ve
tél: +41 (0)22 379 86 81      40, bd. du Pont d'Arve
fax: +41 (0)22 379 86 89      1211 Gene`ve 4 - Suisse

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