[Corpora-List] Final report 9ISSC, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
Leonel Ruiz Miyares (Centro Ling. Aplicada)
leonel at lingapli.ciges.inf.cu
Sun Feb 27 16:32:20 UTC 2005
Dear colleague,
Please find enclosed the final report of the
9th International Symposium on Social
Yours sincerely,
Eloina Miyares Bermudez
Leonel Ruiz Miyares
Center of Applied Linguistics
Santiago de Cuba
JANUARY 24-28, 2005
The 9th International Symposium on Social Communication
took place in the Convention Center "Heredia" of Santiago
de Cuba with the participation of 255 specialists: 129 from
32 countries (Germany (2), Argentina (3), Australia (3),
Austria (1), Belgium (3), Brasil (15), Canada (4), Chile (2),
China (1), Colombia (3), Costa Rica (2), El Salvador (1),
Spain (18), USA (5), Finland (1), France (9), Holland (1),
Hungary (2), UK (7), Iran (1), Ireland (1), Italy (7), Japan (3),
Mexico (15), Nicaragua (1), Norway (1), New Zeeland (2),
Panama (1), Portugal (4), Sweden (2), Venezuela (7) and
and Viet-Nam (1)) and 126 Cuban specialist from
10 provinces.
The most important remarks are:
1. Teaching of 2 Pre-Symposium Seminars:
- Corpus Linguistics: current studies
Prof. Dr. Asa Abelin
University of Goteborg
Goteborg, Sweden
- Lexicology and Lexicography: trends and
Prof. Dr. Raul Avila
El Colegio de Mexico
2. The opening talk was entitled «Electronical version
of the Cuban Basic School Dictionary» by Dr. Leonel
Ruiz Miyares, Applied Linguistics Center, Santiago de
Cuba, Cuba and by Dr. Xabier Artola Zubillaga, Basque
Country University, Spain.
3. The following keynote speeches were taught:
«Human and virtual agents interacting in the virtuality continuum»
Prof. Dr. Anton Nijholt
University of Twente
Enschede. The Netherlands
«Ortografía Integral. Los grupos ortográficos afines (GOA).
Vocabulario directo y vocabulario inverso, Goagramas,
Anagramas y Cronogramas»
Prof. Dr. Vitelio Ruiz Hernandez
Prof. Dra. Eloina Miyares Bermudez
Applied Linguistics Center
Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
«Systemic linguistics whit applications»
Prof. Dr. Sylviane Cardey
Prof. Dr. Peter Greenfield
Centre de Recherche en Linguistique et
Traitement Automatique des Langues
Lucien Tesnière. Université de Franche-Comté
Besançon, France
«Variación léxica y diccionarios»
Prof. Dr. Raul Avila
Colegio de Mexico
«NLP methodology for construction of multiple-choice tests»
Prof. Dr. Ruslan Mitkov
University of Wolverhampton
United Kingdom
«El lenguaje de la droga»
Prof. Dr. Félix Rodríguez
University of Alicante
«Needles in a haystack and how to find them?
The case of lexical access»
Prof. Dr. Michael Zock
Orsay - Cedex. France
4. The IX Symposium had the following three round tables:
«Desarrollo cultural de Cuba en la actualidad»
Lic. Oscar Ruiz Miyares, Ministerio de Cultura,
Santiago de Cuba
Lic. Joel James Figarola, Director de la Casa
del Caribe, Santiago de Cuba
Dra. Martha Cordiés Jackson, Directora del Centro
Cultural Africano «Fernando Ortiz», Santiago de Cuba
Lic. Aida Bähr Valcárcel, Directora de la Editorial Oriente,
Santiago de Cuba
Dra. Etna Sanz Pérez, Decana de la Facultad de
Humanidades, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
«O épico, o erótico e o político na Música Popular
Prof. Dra. Adélia Bezerra de Meneses
Prof. Dra. Cleusa Rios Pinheiro Passos
Universidad de Campinas
Campinas, Brasil
«Text Mining: research, practice and opportunities»
Prof. Dr. Anton Nijholt (Holland)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Fensel (Austria)
Prof. Dr. Ruslan Mitkov (UK)
Prof. Dr. Babis Theodoulidis (UK)
5. Publication of the Proceedings in two volumes with
243 papers from all participants: ACTAS-I (1-532 pages),
ISBN 959-7174-04-9 and ACTAS II (533-1076 pages),
ISBN 959-7174-05-7.
6. Prof. Dr. Juan Luis Martín, Executive Secretary of Higher
Council of Social Sciences of Cuba, had an active
participation in the IX Symposium.
7. All papers had a high scientific level but each Scientific
Commission choose the following as the best:
Commission Nr. 1 Linguistics
"Lengua y discurso: el giro perifrástico "haber" en
condicional + participio en español moderno"
Gabrielle Le Tallec-Lloret
Universidad de Rennes II
Commission Nr. 2 Linguistics
"De multu a muitu y de porque a poique. Vocalización
de líquidas implosivas: un fenómeno con historia"
Beatriz Arias Álvarez
Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Ciudad de México, México
Commission Nr. 3 Linguistics
"Las lenguas vehiculares africanas y el español de Cuba"
Gema Valdés Acosta
Universidad Central de Las Villas "Martha Abréu"
Villa Clara, Cuba
Commission Nr. 4 Computational Linguistics
"Language-independent informative topic segmentation"
Gaël Dias y Elsa Alves
Beira Interior University
Commission Nr. 5 Art, Ethnology and Folklore
"Reflejo estético y social del negro boxeador americano
en la literatura: algunas reflexiones"
Asunción Xiomara Puente Vinent
Instituto Superior de Cultura Física "Manuel Fajardo"
Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
Commission Nr. 6 Mass Media
"El discurso del periodista de fútbol: catarsis verbal
y paradoja social"
Darío Gómez Sánchez
Universidad Autónoma de Colombia
Bogotá, Colombia
Commission Nr. 7 Education and Communication
"Los objetivos de la instrucción gramatical: Reflexiones
sobre la enseñanza de la lengua materna"
Carlos Sánchez Avendaño
Universidad de Costa Rica
San José, Costa Rica
Commission Nr. 8 Special Teaching
"El enfoque comunicativo en la atención a niños
con dificultades en el aprendizaje"
Mercedes Carrera Morales
Universidad Pedagógica "Félix Varela"
Villa Clara, Cuba
Commission Nr. 9 Foreign language
"Presença e importância dos marcadores
conversacionais na produção oral de aprendizes
de espanhol como língua estrangeira"
Eliane Gonçalves
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
São Paulo, Brasil
Commission Nr. 10 Foreign language
"El inglés en las escuelas públicas en el estado Vargas"
Jorge González, Gladis Romero, William García
y Cleydes Guerra
Universidad Simón Bolívar
República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Commission Nr. 11 Medicina
"Reinventing life and death: discourse in intensive care units"
Marina Frescura
York University
Toronto, Canada
8. The mayor of the Santiago de Cuba city gave the title of
"Distinguished Visitor" of the city for their contribution
of development linguistics research in Cuba to:
Prof. Dr. Anton Nijholt
University of Twente, Enschede
Dr. Xabier Artola Zubillaga
Basque Country Univeristy
Prof. Dr. Asa Abelin
Univeristy of Goteborg
Goteborg, Sweden
COMMUNICATION will be held in Santiago de Cuba in
January 2007.
Center of Applied Linguistics
Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment
Santiago de Cuba
Dr. Leonel Ruiz Miyares
Centro de Linguistica Aplicada
Calle 8 Nr. 206 entre 7 y 9
Vista Alegre. Santiago de Cuba.
Cuba. C.P. 90400
Telefonos: 53-22-642760, 53-22-656141
Correo Electronico: leonel at lingapli.ciges.inf.cu
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