[Corpora-List] **SUMMARY** semantic tagging

Aleem Hossain A.Hossain at cs.bham.ac.uk
Mon May 16 11:07:32 UTC 2005

Dear all,

Since posting my original summary on this I've received a couple more
contributions.  I've tacked the new references to the top of my original
summary so that it's all together.


Ellen Riloff has  done some work on automatically generating semantic
lexicons.  The following can be downloaded from her web page:

Thelen, M. and Riloff, E. (2002) "A Bootstrapping Method for Learning
Semantic Lexicons using Extraction Pattern Contexts",
Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural
Language Processing (EMNLP 2002).

Phillips, W. and Riloff, E. (2002) "Exploiting Strong Syntactic
Heuristics and Co-Training to Learn Semantic Lexicons",
Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Empirical Methods in
Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2002).

Dan Roth directed me to some recent papers on Semantic Role Labeling:

The Necessity of Syntactic Parsing for Semantic Role Labeling (IJCAI'05)

Semantic Role Labeling via Integer Linear Programming Inference

Learning and Inference over Constrained Output (IJCAI'05)

and also a demo:

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Date: Tue, 3 May 2005 11:32:58 +0100 (BST)
From: Aleem Hossain <A.Hossain at cs.bham.ac.uk>
To: corpora at uib.no
Cc: Mark G Lee <M.G.Lee at cs.bham.ac.uk>, Aleem Hossain <A.Hossain at cs.bham.ac.uk>
Subject: [Corpora-List] **SUMMARY** semantic tagging

Dear all,

Thanks for the replies I've received on this.

Inevitably I haven't had chance to wade-through everything yet, but I'm
posting a summary of what I've had.

I'm still after some papers on semantic typing (which I guess will be
ontology driven) so if anyone can point me in the direction of some useful
papers to give me a kick-start on that, then that would be fabulous.



Eric Atwell suggested:

Demetriou G and Atwell E. 2001. A domain-independent semantic tagger for
the study of meaning associations in English text. In Harry Bunt, Ielka
van der Sluis and Elias Thijsse (editors), Proceedings of the Fourth
International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-4) pp.67-80.
Tilburg, Netherlands.

Rayson, P. (2003). Matrix: A statistical method and software tool for
linguistic analysis through corpus comparison. Ph.D. thesis, Lancaster


David Martinez provided links to papers on semantic parsing and semantic
role labelling::

- Semantic Parsing:

Lei Shi and Rada Mihalcea, Putting Pieces Together: Combining FrameNet,
VerbNet and WordNet for Robust Semantic Parsing, to appear in Proceedings
of "the Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and
Computational Linguistics", Mexico City, Mexico, 2005

Lei Shi and Rada Mihalcea, An Algorithm for Open Text Semantic Parsing,
in Proceedings of the ROMAND 2004 workshop on ``RObust Methods in Analysis
of Natural language Data'', Geneva, Switzerland, August 2004 [ps]

- semantic role labeling:

A Generative Model for Semantic Role Labeling
CA Thompson, R Levy, CD Manning
Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning
Automatic labeling of semantic roles
D Gildea, D Jurafsky
Computational Linguistics, 2002


Paul Rayson recommended Mark Stevenson's PhD as background reading:

Word Sense Disambiguation: The Case for Combining Knowledge Sources
Mark Stevenson (2003)
CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA.

and notified me of his forthcoming book chapter:

Rayson, P. and Stevenson, M. (forthcoming) Sense and semantic tagging,
chapter 27 in Lüdeling, A., Kytö, M., and McEnery, A. Corpus Linguistics,
Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK) (Series), Mouton
Gruyter, Berlin.


Jose Maria Gomez Hidalgo pointed me to the Semantic Role Labelling tasks
at Senesval and CONLL:

Senseval: http://www.senseval.org/senseval3
Senseval "Semantic Role Labeling" task:
Senseval-3 (2004) proceedings:
Specially relevant are the introductory papers that present the task and
overview of systems.

CONLL: http://www.cnts.ua.ac.be/conll/
CONLL 05 "Semantic Role Labeling" task: http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~srlconll/
CONLL 04 proceedings: http://www.cnts.ua.ac.be/conll2004/proceedings.html


For an overview of dictionary-based methods of WSD, Ted Pederson suggested
the following Tech Report:

2005/25  Maximizing Semantic Relatedness to Perform Word Sense
Disambiguation,. Ted Pedersen, Satanjeev Banerjee, and Siddharth
Patwardhan, University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute Research
Report UMSI 2005/25, March 2005.

and also the following sourceforge site for systems to implement their


Paul Buitelaar suggested the following for an overview of semantic
annotation and WSD from a Knowledge-Markup point of view:

http://ontoweb-lt.dfki.de/knowledge_index.htm (following the "semantic
annotation" links)


Finally, Rada Mihalcea pointed out SenseLearner as tool for all-words WSD:


Aleem Hossain
Room 144,
School of Computer Science,
University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, B15 2TT

A.Hossain at cs.bham.ac.uk
+44 (0)121 414 2884 (Internal 42884)

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