[Corpora-List] Journal of Computational Intelligence Research

Ajith Abraham ajith.abraham at ieee.org
Mon Sep 5 13:50:02 UTC 2005


***   Call for Papers - IJCIR  ***


The International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (IJCIR)
ISSN 0973-1873

Aim and scope

Computational intelligence is a well-established paradigm, where new
theories with a sound biological understanding have been evolving. The
current experimental systems have many of the characteristics of
biological computers and are beginning to be built to perform a
variety of tasks that are difficult or impossible to do with
conventional computers. In a nutshell, which becomes quite apparent in
light of the current research pursuits, the area is heterogeneous as
being dwelled on such technologies as neurocomputing, fuzzy systems,
probabilistic reasoning, artificial life, evolutionary algorithms,
multi-agent systems etc.
IJCIR is a peer reviewed international journal with a key objective to
provide the academic and industrial community a medium for presenting
original cutting edge research related to computational intelligence
and its applications. IJCIR invites authors to submit their original
and unpublished work that communicates current research on
computational intelligence both the theoretical and methodological
aspects, as well as various applications in real world problems from
science, technology, business or commerce.

Ajith Abraham
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Chung-Ang University
221, Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu
Seoul 156-756, Korea
Tel: +82-2-820-5352, Fax: +82-2-815-7906
Email: ajith.abraham at ieee.org

Managing Editor
C. Grosan, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

Letters Editor
Y. Chen, Jinan University, China

Associate Editors
N. America
R. Langari, Texas A&M University, USA

S. America
J. Ruiz del Solar, Universidad de Chile, Chile

H. Ishibuchi, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan

R. Poli, University of Essex, UK

Industrial Theme/Track Editor
A. Satyadas, IBM Corporation, Cambridge, USA
M. Köppen, Fraunhofer IPK-Berlin, Germany

Book Review Editor
N. Nedjah, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Editorial Board
A. Atiya, Cairo University, Egypt
A. Aggarwal, University of Windsor, Canada
C. Bessiere, LIRMM-CNRS, France
C.A. Coello Coello, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico
D. Corne, University of Exeter, UK
B. De Baets, Ghent University, Belgium
Y. Dote, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
T. Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan
L.C. Jain, University of South Australia, Australia
M. Gams, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
A. Gelbukh, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
B. Grabot, LGP-ENIT, France
J.L. Grantner, Western Michigan University, USA
S. Hawamdeh, University of Oklahoma, USA
J. Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences,Poland
S.G. Kong, The University of Tennessee, USA
D.H. Kraft, Louisiana State University, USA
R. Kruse, Universitaet Magdeburg , Germany
C.T. Lin, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
V. Loia, University of Salerno, Italy
J.M. Mendel, University of Southern California, USA
R.E. Mercer, The University of Western Ontario, Canada
G.C. Nandi, IIIT-Allahabad, India
V. Palade, Oxford University, UK
W. Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada
I. Perfilieva, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
G. Rudolph, University of Dortmund, Germany
Q. Shen, University of Wales, UK
T. Sudkamp, Wright State University, USA
R. Sun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
G. Tecuci, George Mason University, USA
F.H. Triguero, University of Granada, Spain
R.R. Yager, Iona College, USA
X.J. Zeng, University of Manchester, UK
Z. Yi, University of Electronic Science and Technology, China

Journal Topics
Topics of interest include but not limited to:

Computational Intelligence: Systems Architectures and Development
Artificial neural networks
Learning theory (supervised/ unsupervised/ reinforcement learning)
Knowledge based neural networks
Neural network optimization
Support vector machines
Fuzzy Systems, fuzzy logic and possibility theory
Fuzzy expert systems
Fuzzy system design using evolutionary algorithms
Fuzzy system modeling and simulation
Fuzzy systems and applications
Rough sets
Granular computing
Evolutionary Algorithms
Genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, genetic programming and
evolutionary programming
Learning Classifiers
Hybrid evolutionary algorithms
Fusion of neural network- fuzzy systems
Fusion of fuzzy systems- evolutionary algorithms
Fusion of neural network - evolutionary algorithms
Fusion of neural network- fuzzy systems- evolutionary algorithms
Intelligent agents (architectures, environments, adaptation/ learning
and knowledge management)
Bayesian networks and probabilistic reasoning
Swarm intelligence
Ant colony optimization
Multi-agent systems
Natural language processing

Computational Intelligence Applications

Signal processing
Web mining
Control and automation
Industrial and medical diagnosis
Pattern recognition
Fault monitoring
Data mining
Business information systems
Communication and Networking
Information Security
Decision support systems
Knowledge management
Information retrieval and text mining

Guidelines for Contributors
IJCIR publishes two types of articles: regular papers and brief
papers. Review management is primarily under the direction of an
associate editor, who will solicit reviews for each submission. The
associate editor will ordinarily make a recommendation after receiving
three independent reviews. To avoid delays in processing your paper,
please follow these guidelines.

Submission of Manuscripts
All correspondence concerning submissions is between the author and
the Editor in Chief . To submit your paper for consideration, visit
the web submission system found at
Submitted papers must be in English and should not have been published
elsewhere or being currently under consideration by any other journal.
The final decision on publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief upon
recommendation of an Associate Editor and / or an Editorial Board

Copyright Forms
Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has been
neither published nor submitted for publication, in whole or in part,
either in a serial, professional journal or as a part in a book which
is formally published and made available to the public. For the mutual
benefit and protection of authors and publishers it is necessary that
authors provide formal written consent to publish and transfer of
copyright copyright form before the publication of the article.

Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author and should be returned
with one week of receipt. Corrections should be restricted to
typesetting errors; any other corrections may be charged to the
authors. Authors are advised to check their proofs very carefully
before return, since the inclusion of late corrections cannot be
acceptable. Corrected proofs are to be returned to the publishers.

Handling/Publication Charges
Authors of accepted papers are requested to arrange
handling/publication charges of their papers at the rate of US$10 per
printed page, which will be invoiced, through the author, to the
author's company, institute, or agency. Fifty reprints of a paper are
provided to the authors free of charge. Additional sets of reprints
may be ordered at the time of proof correction. Handling/page charges
are mandatory and omitted ONLY when it will be highly recommended by
the Editor-in-Chief.Frequency of Publication

Frequency of Publication
The first issue of Journal (IJCIR) is expected to be launched from the
month of September 2005 with two issues this year.

Subscription Information

Regular subscription price for 2005
US$120/Libraries and US$80/Individual

Order info
Research India Publications
Head Office: D1/71, Top Floor, Rohini Sec-16,
Delhi-110085, India
Phone no.: +91-11-55394240
Fax No.: +91-011-27616774
Email: ripublication at vsnl.net

IJCIR is Published by Research India Publications, India

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