[Corpora-List] Child Language Survey

Geoffrey Sampson grs2 at sussex.ac.uk
Wed Jun 28 09:48:15 UTC 2006


Yes, thank you for that -- I did realize that the Oxford Text Archive
collects resources which are already in electronic form, rather than
taking responsibility for computerizing material in hard copy, as this
is, so it hadn't occurred to me to approach you.

In fact Geoffrey Leech has now asked for the material on behalf of the
Lancaster corpus linguistics group, and I have agreed to give it to
them.  I think many will agree that they are a particularly suitable
home for a resource of this kind.  It would be for the Lancaster people
in due course to decide whether they wanted to involve the OTA in
archiving an eventual electronic version, but many thanks for the offer.



     Prof. Geoffrey Sampson  MA PhD MBCS CITP ILTM

     author of "The 'Language Instinct' Debate"

     Department of Informatics, University of Sussex
     Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, England

     www.grsampson.net     +44 1273 678525

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