[Corpora-List] 'Standard European English' ?

Steven Krauwer steven.krauwer at let.uu.nl
Mon Mar 6 21:09:33 UTC 2006

Geoffrey Sampson wrote:
> I remember on one occasion trying to edit copy I was given
> because some morphologically-derived word in it, though it looked as if
> it ought to exist in English, in fact was completely unknown in our
> language -- we would have put the idea differently.  What I was told,
> and I accepted this as a good answer in present circumstances, was that
> now this word did exist in European English, it was frequently used in
> official EU documentation and took its validity from that, and it really
> could not be changed.  (I wish I could remember the specific word in
> question -- it wasn't one of the ones already discussed in this
> correspondence.)

Geoff, wasn't the word 'concertation'? I seem to remember this
discussion at the time when the EC programmes were full of
'concerted actions', and I am sure that non-native speakers
(like me) would derive 'concertation' without any hesitation
or embarrassment.


Steven Krauwer, ELSNET / UiL OTS, Trans 10, 3512 JK Utrecht, Nederland
phone: +31 30 2536050, fax: +31 30 2536000, email: s.krauwer at let.uu.nl

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