[Corpora-List] American and British English spelling converter

Noah A Smith nasmith at cs.cmu.edu
Thu Nov 9 19:13:40 UTC 2006

Ramesh wrote:

> ...and there is no obvious parallel corpus of Br-Am Eng to consult...
> Do you know of one by any chance...

Apparently the Harry Potter children's books were published in a
special edition for the US; see, e.g.,
http://home.comcast.net/~helenajole/Harry.html, a website that
presents a diff of the two versions.  (You don't get the rest of the
text, of course.)  Example:

    They had drawn for the house cup
    They had tied for the house cup

It may be important to you that the "translation" direction is B -> A.
 There may be other such books.  Apologies if this was already pointed
out; I haven't followed the thread too carefully.

Noah Smith
Assistant Professor
Language Technologies Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University

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