[Corpora-List] Call for Interest in Participation for SemEval Preposition WSD

Ken Litkowski ken at clres.com
Wed Nov 29 16:38:04 UTC 2006

If you're interested in particpating in the Word-Sense Disambiguation of 
Prepositions as part of SemEval-2007, please fill in the following form 
before December 1, 2006.


Task #6: Word-Sense Disambiguation of Prepositions



A major research topic in computational linguistics is semantic role 
labeling. Prepositions are important mediators of semantic roles, 
particularly oblique arguments and adjuncts. As part of The Preposition 
Project, preposition instances from FrameNet have been tagged with 
senses from the Oxford Dictionary of English. All major English 
prepositions are included, with the number of instances ranging from 100 
to over 4000 for the preposition "of". Additional data on each instance 
(e.g., FrameNet frame element) has been generated and is available for 
use in this disambiguation task. Since prepositions are a closed class, 
this SemEval task has the potential for creating fundamental 
characterizations of their behavior.

Ken Litkowski
CL Research

Ken Litkowski                     TEL.: 301-482-0237
CL Research                       EMAIL: ken at clres.com
9208 Gue Road
Damascus, MD 20872-1025 USA       Home Page: http://www.clres.com

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