[Corpora-List] Reminder: PhD Positions in Language Technology and Cognitive Systems

Ulrike Pado ulrike at CoLi.Uni-SB.DE
Wed Apr 11 12:19:41 UTC 2007

This is a reminder -- deadline for applications is April 30th, 2007.

Up to 5 PhD Scholarships Available in:

"Language Technology and Cognitive Systems"

International Research Training Group

Saarbruecken - Edinburgh

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) in Language Technology
and Cognitive Systems announces the availability of up to 5 PhD
positions beginning *Oct. 1st, 2007*. Established in 2001, the IRTG is a
collaborative PhD programme between Saarland University and the
University of Edinburgh - two leading institutions in the fields of
computational linguistics, cognitive science and artificial
intelligence. The participating institutes in Saarbruecken are
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Phonetics,
Psycholinguistics, and Speech and Signal Processing. In Edinburgh, the
College is supported by the School of Informatics, the School of
Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, and the Human
Communication Research Centre.

Each scholarship is funded for two years, normally extendable for a
third year. Doctoral degrees may be obtained in computational
linguistics (also covers psycholinguistics), phonetics, or informatics,
from Saarland University. The official language of the programme is
English. Distinguishing features of the cooperation include:

- Joint supervision of dissertations by lecturers from Saarbruecken and
- A six month research stay in Edinburgh
- An intensive research exchange programme between Saarbruecken and

The college focuses on the computational and cognitive foundations of
human language processing, particularly emphasizing the following
research areas:

- Cognitive and computational investigation of speech and language
- Knowledge representation, inference, the lexicon, and ontologies
- Data-intensive and statistical language processing
- Dialogue, language generation and human language processing

For more information about the graduate college, including current staff
and students, prospective applicants are encouraged to visit our
website: http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/projects/igk/

The scholarship currently provides EURO 1468 per month. Additional
compensation includes family allowance (where applicable), travel
funding, support for carrying out experiments, and an additional monthly
allowance for the duration of the stay in Edinburgh. Applicants should
hold a strong university degree equivalent to the German Diplom or
Magister (e.g. Master's level) in a relevant discipline, and should not
be more than 28 years of age. Women and international students are
particularly encouraged to apply.

Deadline for applications: *30 April, 2007 *

Applications should be sent electronically to: igk-admin at coli.uni-sb.de
<mailto:igk-admin at coli.uni-sb.de>

To be fully considered, please include:

- a curriculum vitae indicating degrees obtained, disciplines covered
(e.g. list of courses ), publications, and other relevant experience
- a sample of written work (e.g. research paper, or dissertation,
preferably in English)
- copies of high school and university certificates, and transcripts
- two references (e-mailed to the speaker by the reference authors
before the deadline)
- a statement of research interests, previous knowledge and activities
in any of the relevant research areas.

In case an application can only be submitted by regular post, it should
be sent to:

Prof. Dr. Matthew Crocker (Speaker)
Department of Computational Linguistics
Saarland University
P.O. Box 15 11 50
D-66041 Saarbruecken Germany
Tel. +49 (0)681 302-6560 - Fax +49 (0)681 302-6561
E-mail: igk-admin at coli.uni-sb.de
Internet: http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/projects/igk

Ulrike Pado

Computational Linguistics
Saarland University
D-66041 Saarbrücken


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