[Corpora-List] TALN 2007 Call for participation
Nabil Hathout
Nabil.Hathout at univ-tlse2.fr
Mon Apr 16 11:46:39 UTC 2007
* TALN 2007
* Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel
* Toulouse
* http://www.irit.fr/taln07
********** TALN 2007 : CALL FOR PARTICIPATION **********
The conference Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN
2007) is the conference of the ATALA (Association pour le Traitement
Automatique des Langues/ The French natural language processing
association). The 14th edition will take place in Toulouse, from June,
5 to June, 8, 2007. It is organised by the IRIT (Institut de Recherche
en Informatique de Toulouse -- CNRS, INPT, Université Toulouse I, II
et III) and the CLLE-ERSS (Équipe de Recherche en Syntaxe et Sémantique
--CNRS, Université Toulouse II). The conference is organised with the
doctoral consortium RECITAL, (see the separate call on this site). The
main language for the conference is French, but submissions in English
are accepted for non-french speakers.
********** CALENDAR **********
Conference: from June, 5th to June, 8th 2007.
On June, 8th, tutorials and workshops take place :
Tutorial :
Advanced question answering systems
Atelier :
o Sign Language Processing
o High level syntax models
o Alternative and augmented communication methods
********** DEMONSTRATIONS AND POSTERS **********
********** SELECTION **********
We received 126 submissions for TALN 2007, for about 40 spots. The
selection process was hard, and we had to reject a lot of good papers,
30 of which will be presented as posters, and are alloted 10 pages in
the proceedings.
********** COMITE DE PROGRAMME **********
********** PROGRAMME COMMITTEE **********
Salah Ait-Mokhtar Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE)
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles CNRS, IRIT
Philippe Blache CNRS & Université de Provence
Yves Bestgen Université catholique de Louvain, FNRS
Didier Bourigault CNRS & Université Toulouse Le Mirail (CLLE)
Jean Caelen Laboratoire CLIPS-IMAG, Université Joseph Fourier
Vincent Claveau Université de Rennes 1 (IRISA)
Beatrice Daille LINA, Universite de Nantes
Laurence Danlos Université Paris 7, Lattice
Eric de La Clergerie INRIA, Atoll
Cédrick Fairon Université Catholique de Louvain
Claire Gardent CNRS, LORIA
Nabil Hathout CNRS, Université Toulouse Le Mirail (CLLE)
Sylvain Kahane Modyco, Université Paris 10
Philippe Langlais Université de Montréal (RALI)
Dominique Laurent Synapse Développement
Piet Mertens Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Detmar Meurers Ohio State University
Philippe Muller Université Paul Sabatier, IRIT
Fiammetta Namer Université de Nancy 2 (ATILF)
Anne Nicolle Université de Caen (GREYC)
Patrick Paroubek LIMSI-CNRS
Jean-Marie Pierrel ATILF Nancy Université - CNRS
Owen Rambow Université de Columbia (CCLS)
Sophie Rosset LIMSI-CNRS
François Yvon GET/ENST
Pierre Zweigenbaum LIMSI-CNRS ; CRIM-INALCO
The program committee has been helped by about 75 additional
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