[Corpora-List] list of cognates

Mike Maxwell maxwell at umiacs.umd.edu
Fri Jan 12 14:30:25 UTC 2007

Andrea Mulloni wrote:
> I am trying to expand my own list of list of cognates English/Spanish
> (currently 658 entries) and English/French (currenlty 654) for an
> ongoing project. Any pointers?
There is a table of cognate percentages (labeled as "Lexical 
Similarities") at 
http://www.orbilat.com/General_Survey/Romance_Languages.html.  I don't 
know how they determined this, but it's at least possible that they had 
(or built) a list of cognates.

Greg Kondrak (http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~kondrak/) has done work on the 
identification of cognates, and may know of lists.  He has a short list 
of English-French cognates 
(http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~kondrak/cognatesEF.html).  Some of the items 
on his list are surprising: 'ven(ir)' with 'come'.  I *think* the former 
is Latin and the latter Germanic, so if they're cognates it must date 
back to Indo-European...  Same with 'frere' and 'brother', 'loup' and 
'wolf' (well, for the last two pairs I can at least see a couple 
consonants that might have a common origin), and a bunch of other 
cognate pairs I see on his list.

I would be interested in hearing more about your project.
	Mike Maxwell
	maxwell at umiacs.umd.edu

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