[Corpora-List] list of cognates

Alexander BOULTON Alex.Boulton at univ-nancy2.fr
Mon Jan 15 07:54:09 UTC 2007

Henriette Walter in her book "Honni [sic] soit qui mal y pense:  
L'incroyable histoire d'amour entre le français et l'anglais" (Paris:  
Laffont, 2001) provides a list of 3222 words which are identical in  
written form (even accents) and with essentially the same meaning: she  
calls them "très bons amis" to counter the far fewer "faux amis" or  
false friends between English and French.

She also gives a summary of other research which examines cognates in  
11 European languages (including English, French & Spanish): 1225  
words with the same etymological root at least, the vast majority of  
which are identical or virtually so.

Hope it's of some help

Andrea Mulloni <andrea2 at wlv.ac.uk> a écrit:

> Dear Fellow corpora members,
> I am trying to expand my own list of list of cognates English/Spanish
> (currently 658 entries) and English/French (currenlty 654) for an
> ongoing project. Any pointers?
> Thanks in advance,
> Andrea Mulloni
> PhD student
> University of Wolverhampton

Alex Boulton
CRAPEL-ATILF/CNRS & CTU Nancy Universités
BP 3397
54015 Nancy cedex

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