[Corpora-List] Extended deadline (22 June) RANLP WS on Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization (Borovets, Bulgaria)

Thierry Poibeau tpoibeau at yahoo.fr
Thu Jun 14 08:40:43 UTC 2007

Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization


              Workshop to be held in conjunction with

     Extended deadline: *** June 22, 2007 ***
     Paper Submission: http://quad.softconf.com/ranlp/mmies2007/
     (please, see below for more detailed instructions)

                         *** RANLP 2007 ***

                        Borovets - Bulgaria


                   *** 26th of September 2007 ***

Information  extraction  (IE)  and  text summarization  (TS)  are  key

technologies aiming at extracting  relevant information from texts and

other sources and presenting the  information to the user in condensed

forms. Recent years have witnessed an explosion of information, making

IE and  TS particularly important  for the information  society. These

technologies, however, face new challenges with the adoption of the Web

2.0 paradigm (e.g. blogs, wikis) because of their inherent multi-source

nature. These technologies have to  deal no longer with isolated texts

or single narratives but with  large scale repositories, or sources --

in one or many languages -- containing a multiplicity of views,

opinions, or commentaries on particular topics, entities or events.

There  is  thus a  need  to adapt  and/or  develop  new techniques  to

deal with these new phenomena.

Recognising  similar information  across different  sources  and/or in

different languages  is of paramount importance  in this multi-source,

multi-lingual context, in particular the ability to detect paraphrases

in  texts  is  relevant  here.   In  information  extraction,  merging

information  from  multiple sources  can  lead  to increased  accuracy

relative  to extraction  from single  sources. In  text summarization,

similar  facts  found  across  sources  can  inform  sentence  scoring

algorithms.   In question  answering, the  distribution of  answers in

similar contexts can inform  answer ranking components.  In occasions,

it  is  not  the  similarity  of  information  that  matters,  but its

complementary  nature.    In  a  multi-lingual   context,  information

extraction   and  text   summarization  can   provide   solutions  for

cross-lingual access: key pieces  of information can be extracted from

different texts in one or many languages, merged, and then conveyed in

many natural  languages in concise  forms.  It is  therefore important

that the research community addresses the following issues:

** What       methods       are       appropriate      to       detect

similar/complementary/contradictory   information?   Are  hand-crafted

rules and knowledge-rich approaches convenient?

** What methods  are there to tackle  cross-document and cross-lingual

entity and event coreference?

** What machine learning approaches are most appropriate for this task

supervised/unsupervised/semi-supervised?   What  type  of  corpora  is

required for training and testing?

** What techniques  are appropriate to produce  condensed synthesis of

the extracted information? What generation techniques are useful here?

What kind of techniques can be used to cross domains and languages?

** What tools  are there to  support multi-lingual/multi-source access

to  information?  What  solutions   are  there  beyond  full  document

translation to produce cross-lingual summaries?

The objective  of the  workshop is to  bring together  researchers and

practitioners  in the  areas of  extraction, summarization,  and other

information access  technologies to discuss recent  approaches to deal

with multi-source and multi-lingual challenges.

We welcome submission concerning  the following topics:

* Multi-source information extraction

* Cross-document Cross-lingual coreference

* Opinion mining and synthesis

* Multi-lingual  information extraction

* Cross-lingual Summarization

* Tools to support information fusion

* Paraphrase identification and generation

* Adaptable IE-based text generation

Important Dates:

Deadline for submission: *** June 22, 2007 ***

Notification of acceptance:  July 30, 2007

Camera-ready copy due:  August 31, 2007

Workshop: September 26,  2007

Submission guidelines:

Submissions  should be  A4, two-column  format and  should  not exceed

seven  pages, including  cover page,  figures, tables  and references.

Times New Roman 12 font is  preferred. The first page should state the

title  of the paper,  the author's  name(s), affiliation,  surface and

email address(es),  followed by keywords and an  abstract and continue

with  the first  section of  your  paper.  Guidelines   for   producing

camera-ready  versions will be available at the  conference  web  site.

Each paper  will be  reviewed by  up to three  members of  the program

committee.  Authors   of  accepted  papers   will  receive  guidelines

regarding  how to produce  camera-ready versions  of their  papers for

inclusion in the proceedings.


Thierry Poibeau (CNRS - LIPN, U. Paris 13 - France)

E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Horacio Saggion  (NLP Group, U. Sheffield - United Kingdom)

E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Program Committee:

Sophia Ananiadou (U. Manchester, UK)

Roberto Basili (U. Roma Tor Vergata, Italy)

Kalina Bontcheva (U. Sheffield, UK)

Nathalie Colineau (CSIRO, Australia)

Nigel Collier (NII, Japan)

Hercules Dalianis  (KTH/Stockholm University, Sweden)

Thierry Declerck (DFKI, Germany)

Brigitte Grau (LIMSI, France)

Kentaro Inui (NAIST, Japan)

Min-Yen Kan (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Guy Lapalme (U. Montreal, Canada)

Diana Maynard (U. Sheffield, UK)

Jean-Luc Minel (CNRS - Modyco, France)

Constantin Orasan  (University of Wolverhampton, UK)

Cecile Paris (CSIRO, Australia)

Agnes Sandor (Xerox XRCE, France)

Ralf Steinberger (European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Italy)

Stan Szpakowicz (University of Ottawa, Canada)

Lucy Vanderwende (Microsoft Research, USA)

Jose Luis Vicedo (University of  Alicante, Spain)

Roman Yangarber (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Liang Zhou (ISI, USA)

Michael Zock (LIF, France)

Paper Submission:

Please use the submission page to submit your paper:


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