[Corpora-List] corpus of Welsh English???

Briony Williams b.williams at bangor.ac.uk
Tue Mar 13 12:05:01 UTC 2007

Eric Atwell wrote:
> Jessica,
> I assume "Welsh English" means English spoken by Welsh people,
> not some sort of hybrid language mix of Welsh and English?!
> If so, maybe the Polytechnic of Wales corpus will do, see

There's also Rod Walters' work on "A study of the phonology of Rhondda 
Valleys English (1995-9)" - see:


(This work focuses on adults rather than children)

Best regards

Briony Williams

> Clive Souter, A Short Handbook to the Polytechnic of Wales Corpus
> Leeds University, 1989
> http://khnt.hit.uib.no/icame/manuals/pow.htm
> "... The corpus was originally collected between 1978-84 for a child
> language development project to study the use of various 
> syntactico-semantic
> constructs in children between the ages of six and twelve. A sample of
> approximately 120 children in this age range from the Pontypridd area in 
> South Wales was selected, and divided into four cohorts of 30, each 
> within three months of the ages 6, 8, 10, and 12. These cohorts were 
> subdivided by sex (B,G) and socio-economic class (A,B,C,D)... "
> I hope this is of use to you!
> Eric Atwell, Senior Lecturer, Language research group, School of 
> Computing Faculty of Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS, Leeds LS2 9JT, 
> England
> TEL: 0113-3435430  FAX: 0113-3435468  WWW/email: google Eric Atwell
> On Tue, 13 Mar 2007, j.degroote at lancaster.ac.uk wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am writing my dissertation right now and I am looking for several
>> corpora. However, I can't find any corpus of Welsh English. Has anyone
>> ever heard of any such corpus?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Best regards,
>> Jessica Degroote

Briony Williams

Arweinydd Tîm Technoleg Lleferydd / Speech Technology Team Leader
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