[Corpora-List] corpus of German spoken interaction

Dr. Lothar Lemnitzer lothar at sfs.uni-tuebingen.de
Wed Mar 14 10:41:28 UTC 2007

Dear Ninke and Eleonora,

the first place to look is the "Institut für deutsche Sprache"
(www.ids-mannheim.de). To my knowledge, they have recordings
of spontaneous speech from the city of Mannheim, but I neither know
the date of recordings nor the access and licensing policy for these data.

You might want the ask Reinhard Fiehler, or look for "Deutsches 
on the homepage of the IDS.

I would also like to point you to our list of German Corpora, which is 
part of our
(Lothar Lemnitzer and Heike Zinsmeister) Introduction to Corpus 
Linguistics (in German).

You can download this list here: 

Best regards

Lothar Lemnitzer

sciubba at uniroma3.it wrote:

>Dear Members,
>I am interested in such corpora too. Does really 
>nobody knows anything about German corpora? :s
>M. Eleonora Sciubba
>Ph.D. student
>Department of Linguistics
>Università Roma Tre
>>Dear all,
>>I'm looking for a corpus of spoken German, 
>containing spontaneous
>>'every-day' conversation data (i.e.: no 'fake' 
>conversation as a result of
>>an artificial task in a lab setting) from recent date 
>(1990s onwards). Does
>>anyone know of such a resource? Any hint is 
>>Thank you in advance,
>>Ninke Stukker

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