[Corpora-List] Arabic Information Processing Session at IBIMA 2007- Final call for paper

Farid Meziane farid.meziane at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 4 08:22:25 UTC 2007

The deadline for paper submission is the 8th of October 2007.

 Arabic Information Processing Special Session
at the 9th IBIMA Conference,
 4-6 January 2007, Marrakech, Morocco.

 Call for Papers

 Session Description
 The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is spreading
 across the world. For many years, the English Language was dominating
 all aspects of ICT systems that span from their development to their
 use. However, in the last few years many nations have felt the need to
 use their own language to spread the use of ICT among their populations
 and communities and also in some situations to protect their language
 and culture. This is certainly true for the Arab world where there are
 many initiatives to advance research, development and arabisation of ICT
 systems. This sessions aims at bringing together researchers and
 developers interested in topics that include but not limited to:
 *     Developing culturally and linguistically aware Information
 Systems for tha Arab world.
 *     Choice of information systems development methodologies for the
 Arab world.
 *     Standardising Arabic Information Processing Vocabulary
 *     Building of Arabic Ontologies, taxonomies and dictionaries.
 *     Arabic Information extraction systems
 *     Arabic Web-development
 *     Machine translation systems for the Arabic Language
 *     Arabic natural language processing
 Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and
 contribution. It is IBIMA policy to send complete papers to two
 reviewers for full blind peer review and to send a summary of review
 back to the author(s). Short papers/abstracts will be reviewed by
 reviewer and/or the editor. All review comments and suggestions should
 be addressed in the final submission. Submitted Papers must not have
 been previously published or currently submitted for publication

Please send your manuscript, indicating the session name to
 f.meziane at salford.ac.uk
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