[Corpora-List] 2 reviewers for Working with Spanish Corpora

Graeme Hirst gh at cs.toronto.edu
Mon Oct 8 18:06:04 UTC 2007

It is unethical for the editor or contributor of a book to be in any  
way involved in the selection of reviewers for a published review of  
the book.

The correct procedure is for the publisher (or editor/author) to send  
the book to the book review editors of journals thought to be  
appropriate.  If the BR editor deems the book suitable for review, he/ 
she will select a reviewer who has no conflict of interest. The  
editor/author/publisher should not even know the identity of the  
reviewer until the review is published, so that there can be no  
suggestion that they were in any way able to influence the content of  
the review.

When a BR editor receives an unsolicited review, he/she should  
require assurance of the reviewer's complete independence from the  
editor/contributors/author of the volume.  If Professor Venegas, a  
contributor to the volume, has chosen the reviewers from among those  
who responded to his message, then such assurance cannot be given.

\\\\  Graeme Hirst * Book review editor, "Computational Linguistics"
////  University of Toronto * Department of Computer Science

On 8 Oct 2007, at 11:38, René Venegas wrote:
> I'm interested in contacting two reviewers for a newly edited book  
> called
> Working with Spanish Corpora (2007), recently published by Continuum.
> I would love to have these reviews published in US and European  
> journals
> See :
> http://www.continuumbooks.com/Books/detail.aspx?ReturnURL=/Search/ 
> default.as
> px&CountryID=1&ImprintID=2&BookID=129934
> If someone is interested I will have the book sent to him or her.

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