[Corpora-List] POS-tagger for Spanish
GSANCHIS at dsic.upv.es
GSANCHIS at dsic.upv.es
Tue Oct 30 12:37:47 UTC 2007
Hi Maggie.
I have been using FreeLing for some time now, and it has been quite
useful for my own research.
Good luck,
Germán Sanchis
Quoting ? ?? <happy_andro at hotmail.com>:
> Dear List Member,I'm researching on the restrictive relative clause
> of learner Spanish, and I?m looking for POS tagger for Spanish for a
> while now. I?ve tried TreeTagger, but with its result only showing
> in DOS I don?t know what to do with it. Are there other taggers for
> Spanish? Or can you give me some advice of how to use
> TreeTagger?(Corpus linguistics is quite new to me, and I?ve just
> began this research not long ago.)Thank you all,Maggie
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