[Corpora-List] corpus linguistics

Alexander BOULTON Alex.Boulton at univ-nancy2.fr
Sat Sep 15 20:47:27 UTC 2007

Dear all (deliberately not following the list)

Isn't this turning into the kind of thing it was trying to stop?  
Whoever it was that complained initially must be feeling pretty small  
by now! (NB It clearly wasn't Antoinette as you can see from her mail:  
"We have been receiving complaints". So thanks to her for daring to  
send out a polite mail passing on someone else's request; I doubt she  
suspected that she'd end up getting the flak.)

For what it's worth, I agree with what seems to be the majority  
opinion of those who have responded. I've rather lost interest in  
several discussions of this kind in the past, but the advantage is  
that each exchange has the same title so, as has already been pointed  
out, much easier to delete than "real spam" if you haven't got the  
time or the ketchup.

Keep up the good work

Antoinette Renouf <Antoinette.Renouf at uce.ac.uk> a écrit:

> Dear List members,
> Corpora-list was set up by ICAME (International Computer Archive of
> Modern and Mediaeval English) to impart information and discuss matters
> of relevance to the field. We have been receiving complaints that
> Corpora-list has recently been dominated by 3 or 4 people talking about
> topics having little to do with corpus linguistics. Far be it from me to
> spoil the fun or stifle debate, but we are all anyway swamped with
> information beyond our capacity to process, so please do restrict your
> comments to issues of more central relevance to the particular list
> community, and/or consider whether private emails might be a more
> appropriate mechanism for continuing debate once you have found a
> conversation partner.
> All good wishes
> Antoinette Renouf
> Chair of ICAME
> --------------------------
> Antoinette Renouf
> Professor of English Language and Linguistics
> School of English
> University of Central England in Birmingham
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Alex Boulton
CRAPEL-ATILF/CNRS & CTU Nancy Universités
BP 3397
54015 Nancy cedex

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