[Corpora-List] corpus linguistics

Geoffrey Williams geoffrey.williams at univ-ubs.fr
Sun Sep 16 13:02:22 UTC 2007

Dear list members and fellow corpus linguists,
I had not intended to write to the list on this subject, but in view of the
highly insulting behaviour to someone who has given a lot to this list, and the
pioneering association that created it, I shall draw flak in support of
Antoinette Renouf.
I am not a newcomer to this list. I have been in corpus linguistics for many
years and continue to answer both on the list and privately depending on the
subject. Like many oldies of corpus linguistics, I am more than willing to give
my time and expertise, for what it is worth, to newcomers. This is why, like
many corpus linguists, I am increasingly bothered by what seems to be a takeover
bid by a minority who seek to air their views on outworn subjects. I must say
that some of the input on the C debate, notably by John Sowa has been reasoned
and very interesting, but when it gets into an exchange between a couple of
participants, then it is time they withdrew, went into the theme in-depth by
some other means and then published a synthesis of their views. Carrying on
regardless when a notable figure has expressed frustration on behalf of many is
downright rude.
As I quickly learned, in corpus linguistics humility is a key notion. As the
late John Sinclair pointed out, we should “Trust the text”, not our own
opinions. This humility means standing back and putting forward an informed
opinion in relevant places, notably a conference or published article, rather
than filling up cyber space with pointless and endless discussion. New comers
know they will get help, publicly and silently from list members, endless debate
is only confusing the issue.
I know I shall also draw flak, but so be it. It is time that the list dealt with
corpus linguistics in a reasoned manner rather than getting into circular
debate. If you wish to do so create a blog.
Best regards
Geoffrey Williams

Surlignage Antoinette Renouf <Antoinette.Renouf at uce.ac.uk>:

> Dear List members,
> Corpora-list was set up by ICAME (International Computer Archive of
> Modern and Mediaeval English) to impart information and discuss matters
> of relevance to the field. We have been receiving complaints that
> Corpora-list has recently been dominated by 3 or 4 people talking about
> topics having little to do with corpus linguistics. Far be it from me to
> spoil the fun or stifle debate, but we are all anyway swamped with
> information beyond our capacity to process, so please do restrict your
> comments to issues of more central relevance to the particular list
> community, and/or consider whether private emails might be a more
> appropriate mechanism for continuing debate once you have found a
> conversation partner.
> All good wishes
> Antoinette Renouf
> Chair of ICAME
> --------------------------
> Antoinette Renouf
> Professor of English Language and Linguistics
> School of English
> University of Central England in Birmingham
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Geoffrey Williams, MSc, PhD
Professeur en sciences du langage
Directeur du département d'ingénierie du document
Université de Bretagne Sud - Faculté LSHS
4 rue Jean Zay
BP 92116

Tél: 33 (0) 2 97 87 29 20

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