[Corpora-List] EMNLP 2008 Preliminary Call for Papers

Ng Hwee Tou dcsnght at nus.edu.sg
Wed Apr 2 10:22:48 UTC 2008

2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 
(EMNLP 2008)

Preliminary Call for Papers

SIGDAT, the Association for Computational Linguistics' special
interest group on linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP,
invites submissions to EMNLP 2008. The conference will be held on
October 25-27, 2008, at the Hilton Prince Kuhio, Waikiki, Honolulu,
Hawaii, immediately following AMTA-2008 and the International Workshop
on Spoken Language Translation.

We are interested in papers from academia, government, and industry on
all areas of traditional interest to the SIGDAT community and aligned
fields, including but not limited to:

   * information extraction
   * information retrieval
   * language and dialogue modeling
   * lexical acquisition
   * machine translation
   * multilingual technologies
   * question answering
   * statistical parsing
   * summarization
   * generation
   * speech recognition and synthesis
   * discourse and dialogue
   * tagging
   * term and named entity extraction
   * word sense disambiguation
   * word, term, and text segmentation
   * general NLP-related machine learning techniques:
     theory, methods and algorithms

Important Dates (Preliminary):

Submission deadline: July 3, 2008
Acceptance notification: August 21, 2008
Camera-ready copy due: September 15, 2008

Conference: October 25-27, 2008

Program Co-Chairs:

Mirella Lapata, University of Edinburgh (mlap at inf.ed.ac.uk)
Hwee Tou Ng, National University of Singapore (nght at comp.nus.edu.sg)

Conference URL: http://conferences.inf.ed.ac.uk/emnlp08

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