[Corpora-List] Tutoring corpus

Eric Atwell eric at comp.leeds.ac.uk
Fri Jul 4 20:37:55 UTC 2008


You could try MICASE, Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English,
Or to browse/search online, http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/micase/

You can choose subsets - http://lw.lsa.umich.edu/eli/micase/ATTRIB.html
  lists different types of "classroom event", eg I guess SEMINARS,

I hope this helps

Eric Atwell, Leeds University

On Fri, 4 Jul 2008, Scott A. Crossley wrote:

> Dear all,
> Is anyone aware of a corpus of tutoring dialogs? I am most interested in
> writing tutoring, but all types of tutoring would be helpful. We are
> designing an intelligent tutoring system for writing strategies and would
> love to analyze human to human interaction for discourse and linguistic
> features.
> Thanks in advance!
> Scott Crossley, Ph.D.
> Linguistics/TESOL
> Department of English
> Mississippi State University
> http://www.msstate.edu/dept/english/tesol/tesolfaculty.html
> (662) 325-2355
> Institute for Intelligent Systems
> University of Memphis
> http://mnemosyne.csl.psyc.memphis.edu/iis/
> From: corpora-bounces at uib.no [mailto:corpora-bounces at uib.no] On Behalf Of
> CRuehlemann at aol.com
> Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 10:35 AM
> Subject: [Corpora-List] Narrative Corpus
> Dear all,
> I'd be most grateful for constructive feedback on a corpus project I am
> pursuing.
> The research projects involves the construction and annotation of a corpus
> of naturally occurring conversational narratives. To my knowledge, such a
> corpus would be the first of its kind. For the past months I have been
> extracting narratives from the conversational subcorpus of the BNC. I am now
> going to enter the annotating stage. Given that narrative is largely a
> discourse phenomen, the annotation will be a discourse one, which means that
> much of it will have to be done by hand. However, before embarking on what
> is no doubt an extremely laborious task I feel it necessary to discuss my
> construction and annotation schemes with colleagues in order to make sure
> that the annotation is such that it effectively captures the essentials of
> conversational narrative. Only if the corpus achieves this, will it become
> what it is intended to: a research tool that is useful for the research
> community.
> At
> http://www.anglistik.uni-muenchen.de/personen/wiss_ma/ruehlemann/index.html
> (scroll down to link to "Narrative Corpus") you find a short PPT describing
> the construction and annotation schemes for the corpus, which I refer to as
> the Narrative Corpus. I would be most happy if some of you could have a
> glance at it and maybe let me know whether they think I am heading in the
> right direction or whether essential aspects of conversational storytelling
> that should be accounted for are getting overlooked.
> Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards
> Chris
> -----------------------------------------------
> Dr. Christoph Rühlemann, Munich

Eric Atwell,
  Senior Lecturer, Language research group, School of Computing,
  Faculty of Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
  TEL: 0113-3435430  FAX: 0113-3435468  WWW/email: google Eric Atwell
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