[Corpora-List] DeepDict lexicography tool

Eckhard Bick eckhard.bick at mail.dk
Mon May 26 09:32:30 UTC 2008

Dear list members,

I would like to announce a new, corpus-based dictionary tool, DeepDict, 
which can be used for lexicography or as a kind of dynamic "Learner's 
Dictionary". DeepDict has been built using dependency tree structures 
from annotated corpora. It provides lexical frames with typical 
complements and modifiers, as well as statistics and example sentences, 
for verbs, nouns and adjectives.

You can try out DeepDict at www.gramtrans.com/deepdict/ . The system 
covers English, German, Spanish, Danish and Portuguese and will 
eventually add French, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish. It is free for 
low-volume use for a trial period of two weeks, plus for Portuguese 
(which uses Linguateca's Público corpus), but requires otherwise a 
license for regular, institutional or commercial use.

Best regards,
Eckhard Bick

Eckhard Bick,
cand.med., dr.phil.
GramTrans/GrammarSoft & University of Southern Denmark
e-mail: eckhard.bick at mail.dk

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