[Corpora-List] Usage of online corpora

Mark Davies Mark_Davies at byu.edu
Tue Oct 7 14:31:43 UTC 2008

I'm working on a project for which I'd like to get some data on the relative usage of different online corpora (i.e. which are accessed via a web interface (e.g. http://corpus.byu.edu), rather than downloaded in their entirety from the web). If you have access to the log files of an online corpus, and can send the following information, this would be really useful.

As Question #3 below indicates, I'd be happy to send the information from each submitter to the others who participate (if you don't mind having this information shared). For some creators of online corpora, I think this might be useful information -- to give us some sense of the relative usage of corpora that we have created, compared to similar corpora. This comparative data might then be used as part of future grant proposals, etc.


1. Name of online corpus
2. URL
3. Share data with other submitters? ( Yes / No / Limitations? )

[For #4-6, please include statistics for the past *seven* days]

4. Number of queries
5. Number of *distinct* users (if available)
6. Number of countries (if available)


Thanks in advance for your help.

Mark Davies

Mark Davies
Professor of (Corpus) Linguistics
Brigham Young University
(phone) 801-422-9168 / (fax) 801-422-0906
Web: davies-linguistics.byu.edu

** Corpus design and use // Linguistic databases **
** Historical linguistics // Language variation **
** English, Spanish, and Portuguese **

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