[Corpora-List] Corpora Digest, Vol 28, Issue 28

Sebastian Padó pado at ims.uni-stuttgart.de
Sat Oct 31 11:05:26 UTC 2009

Hi Grzegorz,

I've cobbled one together by training the Stanford NER system
(http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/CRF-NER.shtml) on the German CoNLL
data from 2003 (?). If you're interested, I can send it to you.  (And
if you have evaluation data that's different from the CoNLL data, I'd
be very interested in looking at it ;) ).


Sebastian Pado				pado at ims.uni-stuttgart.de
Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung	   	www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/~pado
Universität Stuttgart			Tel. 0711 - 685 81394
Azenbergstr. 12, 70174 Stuttgart	Fax  0711 - 685 81366

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