[Corpora-List] TextGraphs-6 - Call for Papers - ACL-HLT 2011 Workshop

John F. Sowa sowa at bestweb.net
Tue Feb 8 15:55:05 UTC 2011

On 2/8/2011 8:56 AM, Thomas L. Packer wrote:
> I will ask, aren't these people (below)
> stretching the main-stream definition of the term Semantic Net
> beyond recognition?  Wouldn't another term be more appropriate?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_network

First of all, please note that the Wikipedia article (which I did
not contribute to) cites my article on Semantic Networks, which
was an invited article for the Wiley Encyclopedia of AI, first
edition 1988, revised and extended for 1992.  The general editor
of that encyclopedia was Stuart Shapiro, who designed SNePS
(Semantic Network Processing System), which has been under
continuous development and extension from 1969 to the present.

Second, the definition I gave in that article was very broad, but
each aspect included under that definition was invented, adopted,
or used by some author who contributed to one or both of the
following two books:

Sowa, John F., ed. (1991) Principles of Semantic Networks:
Explorations in the Representation of Knowledge, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, San Mateo, CA, 1991.

Lehmann, Fritz, ed. (1992) Semantic Networks in Artificial
Intelligence, Pergamon Press, Oxford.

The book edited by Lehmann was also published as a special issue
of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol 23, nos. 2-9.

To see the range of authors and topics in the Lehmann book, see
vol 23, nos 2-5 of the journal for the first 15 articles:


For the last 21 articles, see vol 23, nos 6-9:


If anybody still thinks that my definition is too broad, please suggest
some restrictions to the definition in the encyclopedia article:


John Sowa

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