[Corpora-List] Call for short papers: "Words and Networks" workshop at ACM Web Science Conference 2012

David Reitter reitter at cmu.edu
Wed Apr 25 16:12:21 UTC 2012

Call for short papers:
Words and Networks: Language Use in Socio-Technical Networks (WON 2012)
We solicit short papers for a workshop on research at the nexus of text analysis and network analysis. The workshop will be held at the ACM Web Science 2012 Conference in Evanston, IL, on June 22nd (http://www.websci12.org/).
Workshop webpage: http://people.lis.illinois.edu/~jdiesner/calls/WON_2012.html.
While text analysis and network analysis have evolved into mature yet still quickly advancing fields, new work at their intersection emerges that enhances our understanding of the transformative role that language can play in networks and the relationship between information and networks. By jointly considering text data and network data we can analyze networks along multiple dimensions of human behavior. This has facilitated eminent work on collective problem solving through information propagation, language change, and the adoption of beliefs and sentiments, to name a few areas. The overarching goal with this workshop is to bring together people that bridge the gap between text analysis and network analysis, and to discuss current advances and challenges in this new field.

What and how to submit:
We welcome short papers (2-6 pages) on algorithmic, methodological and applied empirical work that considers text data and network data. We are also interested in computational solutions that support this process.
Please submit your paper EasyChair (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=won2012). 
Please use the Word or LaTeX templates for WebSci12 for you submission (http://www.websci12.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/WebSci-Proceedings-Templates-2012.zip).
Topics of interest include:
-          Semantic network analysis
-          Information networks
-          Mental maps
-          Joint utilization of natural language processing or computational linguistics and network analysis, e.g. in the context of social media analytics
-          Evolution and change of language, trust and reputation in online and offline settings
Important dates:
May 16: Short papers due
May 25: Acceptance notes sent out
June 08: Final version of short papers due
June 22: Workshop
June 22-24: Web Science Conference, Evanston, Illinois, USA
Jana Diesner
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The iSchool/ Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Web: http://people.lis.illinois.edu/~jdiesner/
David Reitter
Carnegie Mellon University, Dept. of Psychology
and Penn State, College of Information Sciences and Technology
Web: http://www.david-reitter.com

Program Committee:
Christian Baden, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
Moira Burke, Facebook
Lee Giles, Penn State University
Scott Golder, Cornell University
Georg Groh, Technical University Munich
Anatoliy Gruzd, Dalhousie University
Peter Landwehr, Carnegie Mellon University
Winter Mason, Stevens Institute of Technology
Eduarda Mendes Rodrigues, University of Porto
Wouter van Atteveldt, University Amsterdam
John Yen, Penn State University
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