[Corpora-List] 1st Call for Participation: Second Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature, NAACL 2013

Anna Kazantseva ankazant at site.uottawa.ca
Tue Apr 16 20:06:25 UTC 2013

Second Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature
at NAACL in Atlanta, Georgia, June 14, 2013
First Call for Participation
The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners interested in applying computational linguistics to literature and other rhetorical texts. Because they are not often examined, such data require specialized and sometimes interdisciplinary methods of indexing, discourse analysis, semantics and other language processing tasks. As a form of creative expression, literature demands that processing go beyond key words and phrases to find meaning relevant to readers and information seekers. The workshop will facilitate a discussion on the latest innovations in the application of NLP to these text genres.
See https://sites.google.com/site/clfl2013/ for details on CLfL, including the list of accepted papers and a tentative schedule. In addition to six presentations and a poster session, the workshop will feature two invited speakers: Livia Polanyi, Consulting Professor in Linguistics at Stanford University, and Mark Riedl, Assistant Professor at Georgia Tech's School of Interactive Computing.

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